Contract Specifications

BNB Options

SOL Options

Denomination currency



Option Exercise

European style (An option may be exercised by the buyer only at expiry)

Post expiry, Short Option holders need to claim back the left-over collateral and Long Option holders need to claim the value of their Long Option via DBOE website or directly via DBOE’s Clearing Smart Contract

European style (An option may be exercised by the buyer only at expiry)

Post expiry, Short Option holders need to claim back the left-over collateral and Long Option holders need to claim the value of their Long Option via DBOE website or directly via DBOE’s Clearing Smart Contract

Settlement Basis



Contract Size



Strike Price Intervals

$10 interval

DBOE will list At-the-Money (ATM) strike put and call options and the next twelve strike prices above and below the ATM strike.

ATM strike refers to the strike price nearest to the level of the underlying price on the listing day.

$10 interval

DBOE will list At-the-Money (ATM) strike put and call options and the next twelve strike prices above and below the ATM strike.

ATM strike refers to the strike price nearest to the level of the underlying price on the listing day.

Protection Range (%) (over spot price as of listing time)

For example, given underlying price of $250, protection range will be $50

For example, given underlying price of $250, protection range will be $50

Minimum Price Fluctuation



Contract Listing

Three nearest weeks

Three nearest weeks

Last Trading Day (LTD)

Last Friday of the week

Last Friday of the week

Last Trading Time (LTT) on LTD

3 pm GMT (11 pm SGT)

3 pm GMT (11 pm SGT)

Final Settlement Price

The underlying price will be the arithmetic average of three (3) price snapshots prior to the LTT on LTD.

DBOE will query for five (5) price snapshots prior to the LTT on LTD and pick the remaining three (3) snapshots after removing the minimum and maximum from the five.

DBOE reserves the right to amend this algorithm depending on prevailing market conditions in order to offer fairness and transparency to all market participants.

The underlying price will be the arithmetic average of three (3) price snapshots prior to the LTT on LTD.

DBOE will query for five (5) price snapshots prior to the LTT on LTD and pick the remaining three (3) snapshots after removing the minimum and maximum from the five.

DBOE reserves the right to amend this algorithm depending on prevailing market conditions in order to offer fairness and transparency to all market participants.

Last updated