Why will retail and professionals love DBOE?

Demand side

  • Directional (bullish) speculation

  • Hedging (downside protection)


  • Cheaper payout driven by price range speculation

  • Flexibility to extend the speculation range simply by buying contiguous DBOE options

  • No risk of Auto-Deleverage (ADL)


  • Might require some education at first

  • Multiple trades needed to replicate a regular option

Supply side

  • Underlying holders sell to enhance yield

  • PTGs can be market makers or liquidity providers


  • Higher flexibility when risk is broken into smaller chunks

  • Lower collateral required when compared to other DEXes

  • Built-in hedge (no execution basis risk)


  • Slightly more complicated to price

  • Thin premium for far OTM options might be less appealing to sellers

Last updated